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Application of Photocatalyst


Bedroom, toilet, kitchen, newly renovated permises

With photocatalyst, mould, bacteria and virus will be denatured and thus contact infection will be prevented.

Removal of pollen, and other organic material can avoid exacerbation of asthma, allergic rhinitis, bronchitis and sick-building syndrome

It can also remove the odour of VOC (volatile organic solvent) and the smell of pet (can't you tell which of your friends has a dog?)

Medical: Clinic, hospital, nursery, elderly home, ambalance etc, can avoid cross infection
Educational: Kindergarden, tutorial class, school, college, prevent disease outbreak
Residential: Hotel, guest house, hostel, etc
Public: Office, shopping mall, public toilet

Resturant, Karaoke, cinema, beauty centre, spa and sauna, fitness centre, etc

Newly renovated shops, remove VOC which stop customers from coming in


Private car, taxi, rental car, bus, minibus, MTR, train

Japan has a law enforcement necessitate all public carrier undergo monthly disinfection exercise, unless it has been treated with photocatalyst within the last 5 YEARS

Building: Outer wall of the building can have a self-cleaning ability, no more trace of drill / water trace
