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Medical Grade Photocatalyst professional spray service

Our usual logistic

  1. Our product specialist will visit the location and assess the feasibility of spray painting the Medical Grade Photocatalyst. He will also discuss with the client on their concern and requirement
  2. Quotation will be prepared
  3. Professional service team will work on the arranged timing
  4. One week later, our product specialist will visit the location again and perform an on-site assay. Only if the result is satisfactory, the client will need to settle the charge
  5. We will provide a certificate, which will provide the visitors a peace of mind. Our client can post it on their discretion.
  6. When the due date of effectiveness is approaching, our product specialist will revisit the location and perform another on-site assay
  7. If the result is satisfactory, we will extend the certificate effective date
  8. If the assay fails, we will provide discount for revision project


Why should I need your service but not having it DIY?

Yes, of course you can.

But there are 3 issues.

Firstly, the active ingredients content of consumer grade product is just 3%. Our Medical Grade Photocatalyst has the active ingredient content being 30%. It is a ten-fold difference!

Secondly, you do not need to buy a spray gun. Even a set of ordinary spray gun cost about $3000!

Thirdly, you cannot perform on-site assay with the DIY product. How can you know the photocatalyst is really on the subject?
